Samstag, 16. April 2011

I heard you perfectly! Say something else!

3 Kommentare:

  1. They began to show it again, on Tuesday, after all those years. I seemed to remember so much so clearly. I just ♥ stuff like that mysterious "Jim", where even the explanation isn't really explaining. :)

    During the filming of the scene in which Cooper first examines Laura's body, a malfunctioning fluorescent lamp above the table flickered constantly, but Lynch decided not to replace it, since he liked the disconcerting effect that it created. Also, during the take, one of the minor actors misheard a line and, thinking he was being asked his name, told Cooper his real name instead of saying his line, briefly throwing everyone off balance. Lynch was reportedly pleased with the lifelike, unscripted moment in dialogue, and kept the mistake in the final cut:

    ATTENDANT: I have to apologize again for the fluorescent lights. I think it's a bad transformer.
    COOPER: That's quite all right.
    TRUMAN: Agent Cooper, we did scrape those nails when we brought her in.
    COOPER: Here it is. There it is. Oh my God, here it is!
    COOPER (to Attendant): Would you leave us, please?
    COOPER: Uh... would you leave us alone, please?
    ATTENDANT: Oh. Certainly.

  2. Anonym23.4.11

    Guess I have to find it all on youtube again, not everybody is as lucky as you to have arte close by to show it just at this, the right, time. Sigh.
